We Accelerate Research to Find a Cure.
Our goal is to bring the most promising treatments for DMG/DIPG and other fatal pediatric cancers to patients as quickly as possible. We believe in a multi-modal approach to tackle brain cancer from all angles and we fund many types and stages of groundbreaking research initiatives.
We invite committed physician-scientists to share ideas that use outside-the-box approaches to diagnose, treat, prevent and cure aggressive pediatric brain cancers.
The Yuvaan Tiwari Foundation promotes innovation and collaboration, while minimizing structural barriers and bureaucracy. We favor goal-oriented projects that leverage multi-disciplinary and/or multi-institutional expertise.
Grant applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling year-round basis. Successful grant applications are funded within 30-60 days of receipt, an extraordinarily short turnaround compared to most research funding streams. Annual awards typically range from $50,000 to $150,000, but multi-year projects requiring larger amounts of funding will also be considered.
Apply for a Grant
Applicant must hold a doctoral degree, including MD, PhD, DrPH, DO, or equivalent
Applicant must be employed by an academic institution, nonprofit research institution, or laboratory
Applicant is not required to be a U.S. citizen or resident
Please compile your application using the section headings outlined below. We do not have any specific requirements for format, layout and length but we certainly appreciate conciseness. If your proposal piques our interest and we need additional information, we will contact you.
Completed applications should be submitted electronically to info@ytfoundation.org.
Due to a high volume of applications, applicants will only be contacted if additional information is required for evaluation or if the research project is being considered for funding.
Project Title
Principal Investigator Name and Contact Information
Estimated Project Start and Duration
Amount of Funding Requested
List any Other Sources of Funding (current or pending)
Briefly explain the proposed research project in plain language suitable for a general audience.
Describe the impact, feasibility, scientific merit and methodology of the proposed research.
Specific aims and expected outcomes
Any preliminary data to support hypothesis
Research design and methodology
Innovation; potential and future patient benefit
Provide a breakdown of anticipated expenses. We do not fund any indirect costs. Indirect costs include overhead expenses, ongoing operational costs, administrative costs, infrastructure costs, routine maintenance, etc.
List of collaborators and key personnel, including any relevant expertise and accomplishments
Citations and/or references required to understand the project
All funding decisions are made in consultation with our scientific advisors and/or an ad hoc team of subject matter experts. Applications are evaluated for scientific merit, innovation, feasibility, impact, investigator expertise and overall alignment with the Yuvaan Tiwari Foundation’s mission. If your project is being considered for funding, we will contact you within 30 days.